Enhancing Skills

Author Archives: Mr. Q

Tricep extension

The dumbbell tricep extension is a strength training exercise that targets the triceps muscles located at the back of the upper arm. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Proper form: How to reduce the difficulty: How to increase […] Read more »

Antagonistic muscles (Agonist and Antagonist)

Antagonistic (an·tag·o·nis·tic) n – Antagonist and Agonist muscles often occur in pairs, called antagonistic pairs. As one muscle contracts, the other relaxes.The agonist is the muscle or muscle group that is primarily responsible for the movement, while the antagonist is the muscle or muscle group that opposes the movement and […] Read more »

Side Plank Raise

The dumbbell side plank raise is a variation of the traditional side plank exercise that adds an additional challenge to the oblique muscles of the core. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Choose a weight that is challenging […] Read more »


The dumbbell bridge exercise is a resistance exercise that targets the glutes and hamstrings while also working the core. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the weight as you become […] Read more »

Calf Raise

One leg calf raises with a dumbbell is a strength-training exercise that targets the calf muscles. It involves standing on the balls of one foot and raising your body weight by lifting your heel off the ground while holding a dumbbell. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do […] Read more »

Chest Press

The dumbbell chest press is a strength-training exercise that targets the chest muscles, specifically the pectoralis major and minor. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight:Choose a weight that allows you to perform the exercise with proper form and […] Read more »

One arm row

One arm row is a strength training exercise primarily targeting upper back muscles. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Proper form: How to reduce the difficulty: How to increase difficulty: The number of reps: Estimated time for exercise: […] Read more »

Bicep Curl

The bicep curl is a resistance exercise that targets the biceps brachii muscle in the upper arm. It involves curling a weight towards your shoulder while keeping your upper arm stationary. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Select […] Read more »

Russian twist

The dumbbell Russian twist is a core exercise that targets the rectus abdominis, obliques, and lower back muscles. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Start with a light weight, such as 5-10 pounds, and increase gradually as you […] Read more »


Dumbbell thrusters are a compound exercise that involves the entire body. It combines a front squat with an overhead press, making it a great full-body exercise for building strength and burning calories. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight:Choose […] Read more »