About Me
I’m Mr. Q. This blog is dedicated to all the things I’ve learned over the years and I’m using my notebooks as a reference (historic me).
When I graduated from college, I wanted to be an electrical engineer, but the waiting list was two (2) years, so I became a software engineer. My first professional job was in Dayton. While living there I started competing in IASCA with my 1990 Dodge Daytona that got a lot of recognition: Car Audio and Electronics, Auto Sound & Security, and original Images. During this time, I met many wonderful people including my wife, Mrs. Q.
Since the car audio years, I’ve been with my wife raising two wonderful children. To support them, I started two businesses, I Do Jam DJ Services and Everyone Say Cheese Photography. My kids are not so young anymore, but still wonderful people. It’s wonderful they come to visit often.

During all of this, I’ve been working at a large banking company and have been employed there for the past 35 years.
Now that my kids have moved out and I’m winding down my career at the bank, it’s time to focus on myself and Mrs. Q.
I plan to return to college and complete my original dream to become an electronics engineer. We live in Westerville just down the street from Otterbein University (future me).