Enhancing Skills

Author Archives: Mr. Q

Lunge Back Front Raise

The dumbbell lunge back front raise is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the legs, glutes, shoulders, and core. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Choose a weight that allows you to complete the exercise […] Read more »

Clock lunge

The dumbbell clock lunge is a lunge variation that targets the lower body, especially the quadriceps and glutes. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to Select the Proper Weight: Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as needed. Proper Form: How to Reduce […] Read more »

Squat Kick

The dumbbell squat kick is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups in the lower body, including the quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. It also engages the core muscles. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Start with […] Read more »

Dragon Walk

The dumbbell dragon walk is a full-body exercise that primarily targets the core, shoulders, and arms. It involves walking in a plank position while holding onto dumbbells and performing a rowing motion with each arm. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warm-up to do prior to exercise: How to select […] Read more »

Alternating Pull Over

The dumbbell alternating pull over is a strength training exercise that primarily targets the muscles of the back, chest, and shoulders. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Select a weight that is challenging but allows you to perform […] Read more »

Front Circle

The dumbbell front circle is a strength training exercise that targets the shoulders and upper body. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warmup to do prior to exercise: How to select the proper weight: Choose a weight that allows you to complete the exercise with proper form for the desired […] Read more »


The dumbbell toss (AKA: split chop) is a full-body exercise that works on multiple muscle groups. This exercise involves a chopping motion, where you split your legs apart and bring the dumbbell diagonally across your body. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warm-up to do prior to exercise: How to […] Read more »

Hanging Kick

The dumbbell hanging kick is an exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. It involves kicking your legs back while holding dumbbells, creating resistance and engaging the muscles in your lower body and core. Stretch to do prior to exercise: Warm-up to do prior to exercise: How to […] Read more »

Overhead sit up

Dumbbell overhead sit up is an exercise that primarily targets the abs, but also engages the shoulders and chest muscles. This exercise involves lying on your back with a dumbbell held overhead and then sitting up while keeping the dumbbell in the same position. Stretch to do prior to exercise: […] Read more »

Lateral Raise

The dumbbell lateral raise is a shoulder exercise that targets the lateral deltoids, which are the muscles on the sides of your shoulders. It is typically performed with dumbbells in each hand and involves lifting the arms out to the sides in a controlled motion. Stretch to do prior to […] Read more »