Enhancing Skills

Classes in JavaScript

Classes in JavaScript provide a way to create objects and handle inheritance in a more structured and reusable manner. They are syntactical sugar over JavaScript’s existing prototype-based inheritance.

Command Description

  1. Class Declarations and Expressions:
  • A class can be defined using the class keyword followed by the class name. Classes can be declared as regular declarations or expressions.
  1. Constructors and Methods:
  • The constructor method is a special method for creating and initializing an object created with a class. Other methods can be defined within the class body.
  1. Static Methods:
  • Static methods belong to the class itself rather than any object instance. They are called on the class and not on instances of the class.

Sample Code

// Class declaration
class GameCharacter {
    // Constructor method
    constructor(name, health) {
        this.name = name;      // Instance property
        this.health = health;  // Instance property

    // Instance method
    attack(target) {
        console.log(`${this.name} attacks ${target.name}`);

    // Static method
    static displayCharacterInfo(character) {
        console.log(`Character: ${character.name}, Health: ${character.health}`);

// Class expression
const Warrior = class {
    constructor(name, health, weapon) {
        this.name = name;
        this.health = health;
        this.weapon = weapon;

    // Method specific to Warrior
    useWeapon() {
        console.log(`${this.name} swings their ${this.weapon}!`);

// Creating instances of GameCharacter
const hero = new GameCharacter('Hero', 100);
const monster = new GameCharacter('Monster', 50);

// Using instance methods
GameCharacter.displayCharacterInfo(hero); // Static method call

// Creating an instance of Warrior
const knight = new Warrior('Knight', 120, 'sword');
Warrior.displayCharacterInfo(knight); // Static method call


Hero attacks Monster
Character: Hero, Health: 100
Knight swings their sword!
Character: Knight, Health: 120

Use Case

  • Organizing Code: Classes help in organizing code better by grouping related properties and methods together, making it easier to manage and understand.
  • Object Creation: You can easily create multiple instances of a class, allowing for efficient management of game entities (like characters, enemies, or items) without repeating code.
  • Inheritance: Classes enable inheritance, allowing you to create specialized classes that inherit properties and methods from a base class. This is especially useful in games where different characters might share common behaviors but also have unique characteristics. For example, a Mage class could inherit from a GameCharacter class but add its own methods for spellcasting.
  • Static Methods for Utility Functions: Static methods can be used to define utility functions related to the class that do not require an instance. For instance, a static method in a Game class might handle game state management without needing a specific game instance.

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