Enhancing Skills

Class (Object Oriented Programming OOP) in JavaScript

JavaScript classes provide a robust way to create and manage objects and their behavior. They encompass various components and concepts, including functions, methods, access modifiers, constructors, initializers, destructors, and private methods. This article will delve into these concepts, offering a clear explanation and practical examples to help you understand how to use them effectively in JavaScript.

In programming, a class is often compared to a blueprint for creating objects. Here’s a clear explanation of the difference between a blueprint and objects:

Blueprint vs. Object

  • Blueprint:
    • Definition: A blueprint is a detailed plan or template that outlines how something should be built or created.
    • In Programming: A class serves as a blueprint. It defines the structure and behavior that objects created from the class will have. It includes details like properties (attributes) and methods (functions) that the objects will use.
    • Purpose: The purpose of a blueprint is to provide a standard template or design that can be used to produce multiple instances with the same structure but different data.
  • Object:
    • Definition: An object is a specific instance created based on a blueprint or template.
    • In Programming: An object is an actual implementation of a class. It is created using the class as a template and contains specific values for the properties defined in the class. Each object has its own set of data and can use the methods defined in the class.
    • Purpose: The purpose of an object is to represent a concrete instance of the class with real data. It allows you to interact with and manipulate the data based on the behavior defined by the class.

Imagine you are designing and building a house:

  • Blueprint: The architectural plans for the house are the blueprint. They show how many rooms there are, how they are arranged, the materials to be used, and other design details. The blueprint itself is not a house; it’s just a plan for building houses.
  • Object: A physical house built according to the architectural plans is an object. Each house built from the same blueprint will follow the same design and structure but may have different colors, furniture, and personal touches.

Feel like you jumped into the middle of this learning series, to catch-up, please read: Learning Game Development: Complete guide using HTML5, CSS & JavaScript.

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