Enhancing Skills

apt-get autoremove: Remove packages that are no longer needed

Command: apt-get autoremove

Used to remove packages that were installed as dependencies for other packages but are no longer needed. This helps to free up disk space by cleaning up unnecessary packages that are no longer required.

Sample Command and Output:

$ sudo apt-get autoremove
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  vim-gtk vim-tiny
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
After this operation, 5,456 kB of disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]


  • sudo apt-get autoremove: Removes packages that were automatically installed to satisfy dependencies for other packages and are now no longer needed. This helps to keep the system clean by removing obsolete or orphaned packages.

Additional Commands and Sample Outputs:

  • apt-get autoremove -y: Automatically confirm the removal of packages without prompting for user input. Sample Command and Output:
  $ sudo apt-get autoremove -y
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree       
  Reading state information... Done
  The following packages will be REMOVED:
    vim-gtk vim-tiny
  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
  After this operation, 5,456 kB of disk space will be freed.


  • apt-get autoremove -y: Automatically agrees to the removal of unused packages without requiring user confirmation, useful for automation scripts and routine maintenance.
  • apt-get autoremove --dry-run: Simulate the removal of unnecessary packages without actually making any changes. Sample Command and Output:
  $ sudo apt-get autoremove --dry-run
  Reading package lists... Done
  Building dependency tree       
  Reading state information... Done
  The following packages would be REMOVED:
    vim-gtk vim-tiny


  • apt-get autoremove --dry-run: Displays which packages would be removed if the command were executed, allowing you to preview the changes without performing any actual removals.

Note: Running apt-get autoremove regularly helps to keep your system clean and free from unnecessary packages, which can help in optimizing disk space and maintaining system performance.

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