Enhancing Skills

uname: Print all information about the current operating system

uname -a

All information: Displays all available system information.

Command: uname -a

Example Output:

$ uname -a
Linux hostname 5.15.0-76-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 7 16:04:04 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The uname command provides information about the system on which it is run. The -a option prints all available system information, including the kernel name, version, and architecture, as well as the system’s hostname.

  • Linux: Kernel name, which is typically “Linux” on a Linux-based system.
  • hostname: The system’s hostname.
  • 5.15.0-76-generic: Kernel version, which includes the version number, type, and patch level.
  • #83-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 7 16:04:04 UTC 2023: Additional version information, including the build number, distribution (Ubuntu), SMP (Symmetric multiprocessing kernel), and build date.
  • x86_64: Processor architecture, indicating a 64-bit system.
  • GNU/Linux: The operating system type.

uname -s

Kernel name: Displays the name of the kernel.

Command: uname -s

Example Output:

$ uname -s

uname . -n

Network node hostname: Displays the network node hostname of the system.

Command: uname -n

Example Output:

$ uname -n

uname -r

Kernel release: Displays the release number of the kernel.

Command: uname -r

Example Output:

$ uname -r

uname -v

Kernel version: Displays the version of the kernel, including the build number and date.

Command: uname -v

Example Output:

$ uname -v
#83-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 7 16:04:04 UTC 2023

uname -m

Machine hardware name: Displays the hardware architecture of the machine.

Command: uname -m

Example Output:

$ uname -m

uname -p

Processor type: Displays the processor type, if known.

Command: uname -p

Example Output:

$ uname -p

uname -i

Hardware platform: Displays the platform of the hardware, if known.

Command: uname -i

Example Output:

$ uname -i

uname -o

Operating system: Displays the name of the operating system.

Command: uname -o

Example Output:

$ uname -o

Note: The uname command provides a quick and effective way to gather key details about the system, which can be useful for system administration, debugging, and documentation purposes.

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