Enhancing Skills

join: Join lines of two files on a common field

The join command is used to merge lines of two files based on a common field. It is commonly used for combining data from two files with a shared key or column.


join [options] file1 file2


  1. Join Two Files on the First Field
   join file1.txt file2.txt

Sample File (file1.txt):

   1 Alice
   2 Bob
   3 Charlie

Sample File (file2.txt):

   1 Engineer
   2 Designer
   3 Manager

Sample Output:

   1 Alice Engineer
   2 Bob Designer
   3 Charlie Manager
  1. Join on a Specific Field and Use a Custom Delimiter
   join -t ',' -1 2 -2 1 file1.csv file2.csv

Sample File (file1.csv):


Sample File (file2.csv):


Sample Output:

  1. Print Unmatched Lines from Each File
   join -v 1 file1.txt file2.txt

Sample File (file1.txt):

   1 Alice
   2 Bob
   4 Dave

Sample File (file2.txt):

   1 Engineer
   2 Designer
   3 Manager

Sample Output:

   4 Dave
  1. Join Files Using a Different Field
   join -1 2 -2 1 file1.txt file2.txt

Sample File (file1.txt):

   Alice 1
   Bob 2
   Charlie 3

Sample File (file2.txt):

   Engineer 1
   Designer 2
   Manager 3

Sample Output:

   Alice 1 Engineer
   Bob 2 Designer
   Charlie 3 Manager

The join command is effective for combining data based on a shared key or column, making it useful for various data processing tasks.

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