Enhancing Skills

more: Display the contents of a file one screen at a time

Command: more

Used to view the contents of a file one screen at a time. Useful for reading long files or outputs that do not fit on a single screen.

Sample Command and Output:

$ more file1.txt
This is the content of file1.txt.
It spans multiple lines.


  • more file1.txt: Displays the contents of file1.txt one screen at a time. Use the spacebar to advance to the next screen and q to quit.

Sample Command and Output:

$ more /var/log/syslog
-- Logs begin at ... --
[Syslog entries displayed one screen at a time]


  • more /var/log/syslog: Views the /var/log/syslog file one screen at a time. Useful for examining system logs. The --More-- prompt indicates that additional content is available.

Additional Navigation Commands:

  • Spacebar: Moves to the next screen.
  • Enter: Moves down one line at a time.
  • b: Moves back one screen (if supported).
  • q: Quits the more viewer.

Sample Command and Output:

$ more -d file1.txt
[Displays file contents one screen at a time, with prompts for navigation]


  • more -d file1.txt: Displays file1.txt with user prompts for navigation. The -d option provides informative prompts when the user attempts to navigate beyond the end of the file.

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