Enhancing Skills

sudo passwd root: Change the password for the root user

Command: sudo passwd root

The sudo passwd root command allows you to change the password for the root user. This command requires superuser (root) privileges, and it is useful for securing the root account or setting an initial root password.

Sample Commands and Outputs:

  • sudo passwd root: Changes the password for the root user. Sample Command and Output:
  $ sudo passwd root
  Enter new UNIX password: 
  Retype new UNIX password: 
  passwd: password updated successfully


  • Enter new UNIX password:: Prompt to enter the new password for the root user.
  • Retype new UNIX password:: Prompt to re-enter the new password for confirmation.
  • passwd: password updated successfully: Confirmation that the root password was changed successfully.

Note: The sudo passwd root command is typically used to set or change the root password. It is important to choose a strong password to ensure system security. Avoid using the root account for everyday tasks; instead, use sudo for administrative commands to minimize security risks.

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