Enhancing Skills

Category: Operating System

head: Display the first few lines of a file

Command: head Used to display the first few lines of a file. By default, it shows the first 10 lines. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Arguments: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

more: Display the contents of a file one screen at a time

Command: more Used to view the contents of a file one screen at a time. Useful for reading long files or outputs that do not fit on a single screen. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Navigation Commands: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

cat: Concatenate and display file contents

Command: cat Used to concatenate and display the contents of one or more files. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

find: Search for files based on various criteria

Command: find Used to search for files and directories based on various criteria such as size, name, or modification date. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

ls: List directory contents

Command: ls Used to list the contents of a directory. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

sudo: Execute a command with superuser (root) privileges

Command: sudo Used to execute a command with superuser (root) privileges. Use sudo cautiously and only when necessary. Overusing or improperly using sudo can lead to security risks or unintended system changes. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Notes: Read more »

chown: Change file ownership

Command: chown Used to change the ownership of files or directories. Ownership can be changed for the user (owner) and group. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Arguments: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

rm: Remove files or directories

Command: rm Used to remove files or directories. Be careful with this command! It permanently deletes files without sending them to the trash. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Arguments: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

mv: Move or rename files and directories

Command: mv Used to move or rename files and directories, including the ability to move directories and their contents recursively. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Argument: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

scp: Secure Copy Protocol

scp stands for Secure Copy Protocol. It’s a command-line utility that uses SSH (Secure Shell) to securely transfer files and directories between hosts on a network. The data is encrypted during the transfer, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected. Secure copy Command: scp Used to securely copy files and directories […] Read more »