Enhancing Skills

Category: Command

rm: Remove files or directories

Command: rm Used to remove files or directories. Be careful with this command! It permanently deletes files without sending them to the trash. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Arguments: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

mv: Move or rename files and directories

Command: mv Used to move or rename files and directories, including the ability to move directories and their contents recursively. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Argument: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

scp: Secure Copy Protocol

scp stands for Secure Copy Protocol. It’s a command-line utility that uses SSH (Secure Shell) to securely transfer files and directories between hosts on a network. The data is encrypted during the transfer, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected. Secure copy Command: scp Used to securely copy files and directories […] Read more »

Compiling and Deploying ssh-agent and ssh-add on a Synology NAS Using Docker

In environments where direct installation of software is restricted or unavailable, compiling binaries from source can be an effective solution. Synology NAS users often face challenges when trying to use certain utilities, such as ssh-agent and ssh-add, due to the limited software availability. This guide demonstrates how to leverage Docker […] Read more »

cp: Copy files and directories

Copy files and directories Command: cp Used to copy files and directories. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

cd: Change directory

Change directory Command: cd Useful for navigating through your file system. Sample Command and Output: Description: Sample Command and Output: Description: Read more »

More than 90 Essential Commands Every Linux User Should Know

In this comprehensive guide, you will introduced to over 90 essential commands that every Linux user should be familiar with. From navigation to file management, text editing, networking, and system monitoring, these commands will help you master your Linux experience! Basic Commands File Viewing and Editing Data Manipulation and filtering […] Read more »

ls: Lists directory contents

Lists directory contents Command: ls This is one of the first commands new users learn. Sample Command and Output: Lists directory contents Command: ls -a This option lists all entries, including those starting with a dot. Sample Command and Output: Lists directory contents Command: ls -lh This option lists files […] Read more »

grep: A Comprehensive Guide, options and examples

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of various grep command options along with practical examples to help you make the most out of it. We’ll cover everything from basic usage to more advanced features such as case-insensitivity, regular expressions, inverted matching, and multiple pattern searches! Introduction Grep (globally […] Read more »