Enhancing Skills

Category: Command

Using circuitlab.com

https://www.circuitlab.com https://www.circuitlab.com/workbench https://ultimateelectronicsbook.com wow, only 5 components for hobbiest. Not worth it. Read more »

paste: Merge Lines of Files

Description:The paste command merges lines of files side by side. It takes corresponding lines from each input file and joins them with a tab or another specified delimiter. Command: Sample Input file1.txt: file2.txt: Sample Output (Default): Options: Example with -d Option: To use a comma as a delimiter: Sample Output […] Read more »

uniq: Report or Filter Out Repeated Lines in a File

Description:The uniq command filters out or reports repeated lines in a file. It is often used in combination with the sort command to remove duplicates from sorted data. Command: Sample Input file.txt: Sample Output (Default): Options: Example with -c Option: To count occurrences of each line: Sample Output with -c: […] Read more »

sort: Sort Lines of Text Files

Description:The sort command sorts lines of text files in ascending or descending order based on specified criteria. By default, it sorts lines alphabetically. Command: Sample Input file.txt: Sample Output (Default Sorting): Options: Example with -r Option: To sort lines in reverse order: Sample Output with -r: Example with -n Option: […] Read more »

wc: Print Newline, Word, and Byte Counts

Description:The wc (word count) command is used to count the number of lines, words, and bytes (or characters) in a file. It can also be used to count the number of bytes or characters only. Command: Sample Input file.txt: Sample Output: Explanation: Options: Example with -l Option: To count lines […] Read more »

diff: Compare Files Line by Line

Description:The diff command compares two files line by line and outputs the differences between them. It is useful for identifying changes between files, often used in version control systems. Command: Sample Input file1.txt: file2.txt: Sample Output: Explanation: Options: Example with -u Option: To show the differences in unified format: Sample […] Read more »

comm: Compare Two Sorted Files

Description:The comm command compares two sorted files line by line and outputs three columns: Command: Sample Input file1.txt: file2.txt: Sample Output: Explanation: Options: Example with Options To display only lines that are common to both files: Sample Output with -12: This command is useful for comparing files, finding unique or […] Read more »

perl: Practical Extraction and Report Language

The perl command is a powerful programming language used for text processing, system administration, web development, and more. It provides extensive capabilities for string manipulation, file handling, and regular expressions. Command: Examples Description: Executes a Perl script that prints “Hello, World!” to the console. Sample Output: Description: Replaces all occurrences […] Read more »

sed: Stream Editor for Filtering and Transforming Text

The sed command is a stream editor used for filtering and transforming text. It processes text line by line and can perform various editing tasks, such as substitutions, deletions, and insertions. Command: Examples Description: Replaces the first occurrence of “old” with “new” in each line of filename.txt. Sample File (filename.txt): […] Read more »

xargs: Build and Execute Command Lines from Standard Input

The xargs command is used to build and execute command lines from standard input. It reads items from standard input, separated by spaces, newlines, or other delimiters, and executes a specified command with those items as arguments. Command: Examples Sample Input: Sample Output: Sample Input: Sample Output: Sample Input: Sample […] Read more »