Enhancing Skills

Steps to Connect Local by Flywheel to Zipkin

You can install Composer and set it up in your PATH to make it accessible from anywhere on your system. Here’s how you can do it:

Steps to Install Composer on Windows:

1. Download Composer:

  • Go to the Composer website and download the Composer-Setup.exe for Windows. This is the easiest way to install Composer on Windows.
  • Run the Composer-Setup.exe. It will install Composer globally and make it accessible from any command prompt.

2. Verify Composer Installation:

  • After the installation is complete, open a Command Prompt (press Win + R, type cmd, and hit Enter).
  • Type the following command to verify the installation:
composer --version
  • This should output the version of Composer installed, e.g., Composer version 2.x.x.

3. Manually Install Composer (Optional):

If you want to manually install Composer (without using the installer), follow these steps:

  • Download the composer.phar file directly from this link.
  • Place the composer.phar file in a directory of your choice. For example, you can place it in C:\composer.
  • Add this directory to your System PATH:
    • Right-click on This PC or Computer on your desktop or in the File Explorer.
    • Click PropertiesAdvanced System SettingsEnvironment Variables.
    • Under System Variables, find and select the Path variable, then click Edit.
    • Click New and add the full path to the folder where composer.phar is located (e.g., C:\composer).
    • Click OK to save your changes.
  • Now, you can run Composer from anywhere in the Command Prompt by simply typing composer.

4. Using Composer in Windows:

If you manually placed composer.phar in a directory like C:\composer and added that directory to the PATH, you can create a composer.bat file to make it easier to run Composer from the command line.

  • Open Notepad (or your preferred text editor) and add the following code to the file:
@php "%~dp0composer.phar" %*
  • Save the file as composer.bat in the same directory as your composer.phar (e.g., C:\composer).

Now, when you type composer in any Command Prompt window, it will run composer.phar.

5. Using Composer with Local by Flywheel:

Once you have Composer installed, you can use it within Local by Flywheel’s site shell to install dependencies like the Zipkin PHP client:

  • Open Local by Flywheel and go to the site where you want to install the Zipkin client.
  • In the Tools tab of the site, select Open Site Shell.
  • Use Composer to install the Zipkin PHP client:
composer require openzipkin/zipkin-php

This will install the required Zipkin client and set it up for your WordPress site.


  • To install Composer on Windows, you can use the Composer-Setup.exe or manually download the composer.phar file and add it to your system’s PATH.
  • Once installed, you can run Composer from any command prompt or use it inside the Local by Flywheel shell to install PHP dependencies like the Zipkin client.

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