Enhancing Skills

JavaScript Syllabus for Game Programming

Series Overview

This syllabus outlines the key topics to learn JavaScript specifically for game programming. Each section is categorized by fundamental programming concepts and advanced features that are essential for building a game engine and developing classic games.

1. Variables

  • Understanding variable declaration: var, let, const
  • Variable scope: global vs. local

2. Global Variables

  • Defining and using global variables
  • Impacts of global variables on code organization
  • Best practices for minimizing global variable usage

3. Data Types

  • Primitive types: strings, numbers, booleans, null, undefined, symbols
  • Reference types: objects, arrays, functions

4. Arithmetic Operations

  • Basic arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  • Modulus and exponentiation
  • Increment and decrement operators

5. Debugging and Testing

  • Debugging techniques in JavaScript
  • Writing tests for game logic
  • Tools and resources for debugging

6. Bitwise Operations

  • Shift left and right operators

7. Control Flow

  • Conditional statements: if, else if, else, and switch
  • Loops: for, while, do...while

8. Functions

  • Function declarations and expressions
  • Arrow functions
  • Higher-order functions and callbacks
  • Closures

9. Objects

  • Object literals
  • Constructor functions and the new keyword
  • Prototypes and prototype chain

10. Arrays

  • Array methods: .push(), .pop(), .shift(), .unshift(), .map(), .filter(), .reduce()
  • Multi-dimensional arrays

11. Maps

  • Creating and using maps
  • Key-value pairs and methods: .set(), .get(), .has(), .delete(), .clear()
  • Iterating over maps

12. Sets

  • Creating and using sets
  • Unique values and methods: .add(), .delete(), .has(), .clear()
  • Iterating over sets

13. Classes

  • Class declarations and expressions
  • Constructors and methods
  • Static methods

14. Inheritance

  • Extending classes with extends
  • Superclass and subclass relationships
  • Method overriding

15. Modules

  • Module syntax: import and export
  • Organizing code into modules

16. Event Handling

  • Understanding events in the DOM
  • Event listeners: addEventListener
  • Event delegation

17. Game Loop

  • Creating a game loop
  • Updating game state
  • Rendering graphics

18. Canvas API

  • Drawing shapes and images on the canvas
  • Animating objects
  • Handling user input through the canvas

19. Collision Detection

  • Bounding box collision detection
  • Circle collision detection
  • Pixel-perfect collision detection

20. Asset Management

  • Loading images, sounds, and other assets
  • Preloading assets for performance optimization

21. Game Physics

  • Basic physics principles: velocity, acceleration, gravity
  • Implementing collision response and reactions

22. Game Design Patterns

  • Singleton pattern
  • Factory pattern
  • Observer pattern

23. Optimization Techniques

  • Performance optimization strategies
  • Memory management in JavaScript
  • Reducing load times and improving frame rates


This syllabus serves as a comprehensive roadmap for learning JavaScript in the context of game programming. By mastering these topics, learners will be well-equipped to create their game engine and develop engaging games.

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