Enhancing Skills

Running a Bash Job in the Background and Redirecting Output to a File

When running long-running scripts or tasks in the background on a Linux or Unix system, it is often useful to direct all the output to a file for logging purposes. This can be helpful for debugging or tracking the progress of the task while allowing the terminal to remain free for other work.

Steps to Run a Bash Script in the Background

Let’s walk through the steps to run a Bash job in the background and route all output to a file:

1. Redirecting Output to a File

First, we need to ensure that both the standard output (stdout) and standard error (stderr) are captured in a log file. This can be done by using the > operator for stdout and 2>&1 for stderr.

Here’s an example of running a Bash job and redirecting all output to a log file:

./move_files.sh > output.log 2>&1

In this example:

  • > output.log: Redirects standard output (normal messages) to output.log.
  • 2>&1: Redirects standard error (error messages) to the same output.log file.

2. Running the Job in the Background

To run the job in the background, simply add the & symbol at the end of the command. This will run the job as a background process and free up the terminal for other commands.

Here’s the modified command:

./move_files.sh > output.log 2>&1 &

In this example:

  • The & at the end tells the shell to run the script in the background.

3. Viewing the Background Job

Once the script is running in the background, you can view all the current background jobs using the jobs command:


This will display all jobs that are currently running in the background, along with their job ID.

4. Checking the Output Log

While the script runs, you can check the contents of the log file in real-time using the tail command:

tail -f output.log

This will display the last few lines of the log file and continuously update as new output is written to the file.

5. Bringing the Background Job to the Foreground

If you need to bring the background job back to the foreground (to interact with it), use the fg command followed by the job ID. For example, if the job ID is 1, you would run:

fg %1

Example of a Complete Command

Here’s a complete example of running a Bash job in the background, redirecting output to output.log, and checking the log in real-time:

./move_files.sh > output.log 2>&1 &
tail -f output.log


Running Bash jobs in the background is a powerful way to free up your terminal for other work, while logging the output for later review. The > output.log 2>&1 & technique ensures that both standard output and errors are captured in the log file. By following these steps, you can efficiently manage long-running scripts and background processes in your Linux environment.

This guide helps you manage long-running tasks while keeping track of their progress without interrupting other work.

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