Enhancing Skills

find: Search for files based on various criteria

Command: find

Used to search for files and directories based on various criteria such as size, name, or modification date.

Sample Command and Output:

$ find /home/user/Documents/ -name "*.txt"


  • find /home/user/Documents/ -name "*.txt": Searches for files with a .txt extension in /home/user/Documents/ and its subdirectories.

Sample Command and Output:

$ find /home/user/Documents/ -size +1M


  • find /home/user/Documents/ -size +1M: Finds files in /home/user/Documents/ that are larger than 1 megabyte.

Sample Command and Output:

$ find /home/user/Documents/ -mtime -7


  • find /home/user/Documents/ -mtime -7: Lists files in /home/user/Documents/ that have been modified in the last 7 days. The -mtime option specifies the modification time.

Sample Command and Output:

$ find /home/user/Documents/ -type d -empty


  • find /home/user/Documents/ -type d -empty: Finds empty directories in /home/user/Documents/. The -type d option specifies to look for directories, and -empty restricts the search to empty ones.

Sample Command and Output:

$ find /home/user/Documents/ -exec ls -l {} \;


  • find /home/user/Documents/ -exec ls -l {} \;: Executes the ls -l command on each file found in /home/user/Documents/. The {} placeholder represents each file found, and \; indicates the end of the command.

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