Enhancing Skills

Monthly Archives: August 2024

apt-cache search keyword: Search for packages based on keywords

Command: apt-cache search keyword Used to search for packages in the repository whose names or descriptions match the specified keyword. This helps in finding packages related to a particular topic or functionality. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Note: Use apt-cache search to quickly […] Read more »

apt-cache depends package_name: Show the dependencies of a package

Command: apt-cache depends package_name Used to list the packages that a specified package depends on. This helps in understanding which other packages are required for the specified package to function correctly. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Note: Use apt-cache depends to check the […] Read more »

apt-cache show package_name: Display detailed information about a package

Command: apt-cache show package_name Used to display detailed information about a specific package from the package cache. This includes the package’s version, description, dependencies, and other metadata. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Note: Use apt-cache show to get a comprehensive overview of package […] Read more »

apt-get autoremove: Remove packages that are no longer needed

Command: apt-get autoremove Used to remove packages that were installed as dependencies for other packages but are no longer needed. This helps to free up disk space by cleaning up unnecessary packages that are no longer required. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Note: […] Read more »

apt-get dist-upgrade: Upgrade the system to a new version

Command: apt-get dist-upgrade Used to perform a more thorough upgrade of the system than apt-get upgrade. This command handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages, and can install or remove packages as needed to complete the upgrade process. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: […] Read more »

apt-get upgrade: Upgrade all installed packages on the system:

Command: apt-get upgrade Used to upgrade all installed packages to their latest versions based on the updated package lists. This command will install the newest versions of all packages currently installed, while preserving current package configurations. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Note: […] Read more »

apt-get update: Update the list of available packages

Command: apt-get update Used to update the local package index with the latest information from the repositories configured on your system. This command does not install or upgrade any packages; it only updates the list of available packages and their versions. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample […] Read more »

apt-get purge: Remove a package and its configuration files

Command: apt-get purge Used to completely remove a package along with its configuration files from your system. This command is more thorough than apt-get remove as it also deletes configuration files associated with the package. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Note: Use apt-get […] Read more »

apt-get remove: Remove a specific package

Command: apt-get remove Used to remove a specific package from your system. This command removes the package but leaves configuration files, so the package can be reinstalled later without losing its settings. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Note: Use apt-get remove for […] Read more »

apt-get install: Install a specific package

Command: apt-get install Used to install a specific package from the repositories configured on your system. This command handles package dependencies and installs the package along with any required libraries. Sample Command and Output: Description: Additional Commands and Sample Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Note: apt-get is a command-line tool used […] Read more »