Enhancing Skills

Daily Archives: August 9, 2024

sudo passwd root: Change the password for the root user

Command: sudo passwd root The sudo passwd root command allows you to change the password for the root user. This command requires superuser (root) privileges, and it is useful for securing the root account or setting an initial root password. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Note: The sudo passwd root […] Read more »

groups: Display the groups that the current user belongs to

Command: groups The groups command shows the names of the groups that the current user or a specified user belongs to. It helps in understanding group memberships and permissions assigned to users. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Description: Note: The groups command is useful for verifying group memberships and ensuring […] Read more »

userdel: Delete a user account

Command: userdel The userdel command is used to delete a user account from the system. This command can remove the user’s home directory and mail spool if specified. It requires superuser (root) privileges. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Description: Note: The userdel command is used for removing user […] Read more »

useradd: Create a new user account

Command: useradd The useradd command is used to create a new user account on the system. It allows specifying various options to configure the new user’s home directory, default shell, user ID, and more. This command requires superuser (root) privileges. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Note: […] Read more »

usermod: Modify a user account

Command: usermod The usermod command allows administrators to modify a user’s account details, such as changing the user’s home directory, adding the user to groups, or changing the user’s login name. This command requires superuser (root) privileges. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Note: The usermod command […] Read more »

passwd: Change the password for the current user

Command: passwd The passwd command allows users to change their own password or the password of another user if run with appropriate privileges. When changing your own password, you will be prompted to enter your current password and then the new password. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Description: Note: The […] Read more »

whoami: Display the current user’s username

Command: whoami The whoami command shows the username of the currently logged-in user. It is a simple and quick way to verify which user account is active. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Note: The whoami command is particularly useful for scripts and troubleshooting to confirm the identity of the active […] Read more »

who: Display who is currently logged in to the system

Command: who The who command shows a list of users currently logged into the system. It provides information about the username, terminal, login time, and sometimes the originating IP address or hostname. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Description: Note: The who command is useful for monitoring active users […] Read more »

last: Display the login history of users on the system

Command: last The last command shows a list of the most recent logins to the system. It displays information about the username, the terminal used, the IP address or hostname of the remote system (if applicable), and the time and duration of each login session. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: […] Read more »

uptime: Display how long the current system session has been running

Command: uptime The uptime command shows how long the system has been running since the last reboot, along with the current time, the number of users logged in, and the system’s load averages. Sample Commands and Outputs: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Note: The uptime command is essential for monitoring […] Read more »