Enhancing Skills

Monthly Archives: August 2024

Building the retro game Pong, step by step

⌨️ (00:00) Introduction⌨️ (00:32) Project Setup and Canvas (using CodeSandbox)⌨️ (02:07) Drawing on the Canvas⌨️ (04:25) Clearing the Canvas⌨️ (05:45) Creating the Player’s Paddle⌨️ (11:42) The Game Loop⌨️ (15:47) Handling Keyboard Input⌨️ (17:56) Moving the Paddle⌨️ (21:36) Stopping the Paddle⌨️ (23:10) Drawing the Ball Image⌨️ (26:59) Moving the Ball⌨️ (32:11) […] Read more »

Class (Object Oriented Programming OOP) in JavaScript

JavaScript classes provide a robust way to create and manage objects and their behavior. They encompass various components and concepts, including functions, methods, access modifiers, constructors, initializers, destructors, and private methods. This article will delve into these concepts, offering a clear explanation and practical examples to help you understand how […] Read more »

Understanding Scope of Visibility in JavaScript Programming

Scope of visibility in programming refers to the region of a program where a particular variable, function, or object is accessible. It determines where you can see or use these elements within your code. Understanding scope is crucial for managing access to variables and functions, avoiding naming conflicts, and controlling […] Read more »

The Power of Classes in JavaScript Programming

Classes are a fundamental part of modern JavaScript and are widely used in many programming languages. They provide a way to create and manage objects, enabling developers to structure and organize code efficiently. Understanding how classes work can unlock new levels of creativity and productivity in your coding projects. This […] Read more »

Creating a Custom Countdown Timer in WordPress Without Plugins

Years Months Days Hours util May 2, 2028 WordPress offers a plethora of plugins to add functionalities to your website. However, sometimes you might want a leaner solution or more control over the design and behavior of features like a countdown timer. In this article, we’ll walk you through the […] Read more »

Integrating External Services with Traefik: A Step-by-Step Guide

Traefik is a powerful and flexible reverse proxy that makes it easy to manage and route traffic to various services in a Docker environment. Whether you’re hosting services locally or managing external resources, Traefik’s dynamic configuration capabilities allow you to effortlessly connect and secure your services. In this guide, we’ll […] Read more »

Using circuitlab.com

https://www.circuitlab.com https://www.circuitlab.com/workbench https://ultimateelectronicsbook.com wow, only 5 components for hobbiest. Not worth it. Read more »

Controlling Time Synchronization in VMware with RTC Configuration

Preface In VMware virtual machines, managing time synchronization between the host and the guest operating system is crucial for certain applications and scenarios. The Real-Time Clock (RTC) and VMware Tools provide mechanisms to keep the VM’s time in sync with the host, but there are situations where you might want […] Read more »